Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Five W's and an H

What: We have decided to do a family study of each of the countries of the world.

Who: The Berg Family - Neil, Anne, Joel, and Asher (Joel has the world map in his room for now, and it is his job to remind us where the countries are on the map, and Asher is mainly just into the food)

When: One country per week, starting March 1st, with a projected end in August of 2013 (who knew there were so many countries in the world?!)

Where: Mostly around the dinner table and in front of the map; sometimes in front of the computer for videos and music

Why: We live here. Meaning, on the planet. And we know woefully little about the other people who share it with us.

How: Learning everything we can about a country: people, history, politics and leaders, music (traditional, pop, folk, whatever), art, geography/topography, industry, agriculture, social structure/stratification, import/export situations, and, of course, food.

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